
@haofei :D they're usually 16 episodes XD you might like Rooftop Prince too <3 it's airing right now and I love it <3 haha 


@iris4stars same here :) what kdramas do you like to watch? to me, the new kdramas coming out are no good, so i keep rewatching the old classics (like boys before flowers, secret garden, coffee prince, etc.) i really wanna find some new ones to watch! :( any suggestions? :)


@iris4stars thanks for fanning! :D and omg ikr? taemin is the best haha. did u see exo's debut/showcase?? HAWTTT~ i prefer exo-m over exo-k tho haha, which is weird because to me, the korean version almost always sounds better! :O this is an exception i guess hehe