
Hi! What do you think of my new update? Hehe can you believe that reached like 2k words? Haha


@ Kiceess  I'm very very fine. As long as this is still on going. Just write what in your mind, I still read it. Fighting for your book !!!


@irli996 well that works too. But dont worry. That was just the missionary position. Hihihihi altho this book will not be all smut since its supposed to be a pining story. Sooo i guess its fine? Hehehe thank you! 


@ Kiceess  i think this is good. You can save another idea for another chapter, don't spill it in one go. It make your book more interesting cause we are curious what happen next


Hi! Thank you so much for always reading and voting for my updates. You’re one of the ones who always leave a vote and it makes my heart swell. Thank you! I hope you continue to read my book! Hehe Happy 2021! 


@irli996 for real? Awwee! Thank you! It makes me so happy you like it! Its even one of your favorites! Huhu i wanna cry. Thank you for your kind words. Yes! I enjoy writing this plot a lot. I’ll do my best to update daily. Or as much as i can anyway. Thank you so much! 
            Oh please your english is not bad at all! I understand you perfectly. 


@ Kiceess  oh really?  I just can't stand when the notification pop up on my phone for an update, so I just click as fast as I can cause my brocolli heart always thirsty for bounprem story . And your book is one of my favorite. I hope you keep update and fighting for your book. I cheer you.
            And happy new year too 
            *sorry for my bad english 


Hi, irli996
          Terima kasih banyak sudah meninggalkan vote di cerita saya berjudul Kucing, Kuncir dan Tindik. Saya sangat mengapresiasi kebaikan kamu yang peduli dengan cerita saya.
          Semoga kamu sehat selalu di sana dan jangan lupa bahagia. Amin. :)