
bro why tf did my stupid ass just realize that joon's ig username is his album title???!!!!!??! i'm so fcking dense :'O


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i've cried 3 three times today bc my managers kept picking on me today for no reason
          glad i fucking quit


@-gyu3915 thank you for being such a sweetheart! your words mean a lot! ♡♡♡


            that's amazing! and don't feel guilty about doing anything as such because if you do, people like them will see that you're easy to manipulate and will do it to you again and again. be strong! I believe in you


@-gyu3915 thank you! i just had my last day today, and i don't regret leaving one bit. i'm just happy i left with my sanity
            (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ) ♡


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i'm about this  fucking close to jumping into a damn meat grinder istg :D
          life has been fucking me in all three of my holes and idk whyyy
          i might try to write more, it might make me feel better. hopefully, i can get another oneshot out soon :) (maybe Namkook or Taekook???)


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there's nothing quite like being stranded outside of your job at 9:00pm bc your mom fell asleep and doesn't answer your twenty calls and didn't send you any money for an uber right after a man kept harassing you during your last 30 minutes of your shift...did I mention it's 30 fucking degrees outside?
          i don't know if the temperature is gonna kill me or if that man is gonna kidnap me and kill me. it's a race at this point.
          (announcing this for legal reasons :D)


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i just accidentally snorted a gnat oh my fuck


i might have a gnat residing in my nasal cavity


idk if i got it out


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pfft ok so i went to an eric nam concert earlier and as we were walking past his tour bus, i saw someone cooking something on a grill right right outside of it. and then i realized it was FUCKING ERIC NAM
          like i was five feet away from him and freaked out. i just said "hi!" and he said "hey!" he was so nonchalant and cool.