
Uhh hope this doesn't bother anyone... Hello, I've been gone A LONG time! I feel like writing again but my writing has gone down the drain and I don't even know if I have time for it (lol). I'm a bit worried I'll be letting down the people who have been and still are reading what I've wrote before my disappearance. Thank you to everyone who's voted/commented (though most won't see this), they're quite interesting (and hilarious) to look through! There were 999+ notifications piled up.. it was amazing.. in a way. 


Uhh hope this doesn't bother anyone... Hello, I've been gone A LONG time! I feel like writing again but my writing has gone down the drain and I don't even know if I have time for it (lol). I'm a bit worried I'll be letting down the people who have been and still are reading what I've wrote before my disappearance. Thank you to everyone who's voted/commented (though most won't see this), they're quite interesting (and hilarious) to look through! There were 999+ notifications piled up.. it was amazing.. in a way. 


UWAAA,GUY (=´∇`=)(but I like asch more XD) I miss him lol.btw this is EneNomura XD
          How have you been lately?


@itaimatsu guess we do busy with our own life TT sorry for not always hanging around with you these day but I hope everday is a great day for you ;)


Guy's always my top fav no matter how much I play the game ( ´ ▽ ` ) and eNE!!! I've been gone awhile and when I came back one day, you were gone and I didn't know what happened!! ヽ(´o`;I was worried but I'm glad to see you're ok! And I'm doing fine ;v; I'm currently in summer vacation 