
Hello there beautiful people!
          	I have uploaded a new chapter for 'The Moon Goddess's Granddaughter'. I hope you enjoy reading it! This book will soon be coming to an end. I am currently writing the last few chapters as we speak... Do give me your feedback on this chapter, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say! I hope you all have a nice day.
          	Happy Reading!
          	❤ Anagha


Hello there beautiful people!
          I have uploaded a new chapter for 'The Moon Goddess's Granddaughter'. I hope you enjoy reading it! This book will soon be coming to an end. I am currently writing the last few chapters as we speak... Do give me your feedback on this chapter, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say! I hope you all have a nice day.
          Happy Reading!
          ❤ Anagha


HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! I've finally gotten an idea for the next chapter of The Moon Goddess's Granddaughter and it is in the works! I'll probably have it up by today or tomorrow. Thank you so much for waiting so patiently. I love every one of you.
          Happy Reading :)
          ❤ Anagha


Hello beautiful people, 
          I have finally uploaded a new chapter!!!!! Do go read it and let me know what you think. Don't forget to vote for the chapter (by clicking the star) if you liked it.... And as always I'm open to reviews and constructive criticism and what you think will happen next! I love you all and I hope you have a great weekend.
          Happy Reading!
          ❤ Anagha


Oh my goodness thank you all so much for a hundred followers and more than 48.9k reads on 'The Moon Goddess's Granddaughter' !!! I love and appreciate each and every one of you❤❤❤ I will be updating 'The Moon Goddess's Granddaughter' regularly starting this Saturday. Thank you all once again and I hope you have a great day :)
          Happy Reading!
          ❤ Anagha


Hello there beautiful humans
          I had a question for all of you... Should I update 'The Adventures of Lily Luna Potter'? I had sort of given up on it, but I have no problem in updating it if people want me to. So either comment on this message or send me a personal message I love you guys, and I hope you have a great day.
          ❤ Anagha


Hello everyone!
          I just wanted to let you all know that I have posted a new story which happens to be a short story. The name of the story is 'Teddy'.  It is complete and is a mystery/thriller! Do check it out and tell me your thought on it. I will be updating 'The Moon Goddess's Granddaughter' soon so be on the lookout for that!
          Thank you and I hope you have a great day. Xxxx


Happy New Year everyone!!! ❤ I hope you all have an awesome year. Stay safe and take care... Xxxx


@palomarezx Hello! Happy New Year! Thank you so much!❤❤ and I will be updating the book soon... Probably on Sunday or on Monday, and you weren't bothering me. Have a great day!


Hi! I really love your Moon Goddess’s granddaughter! It’s so amazing! I was wondering when will you post the following chapters? I’m sorry if  I am bothering you about asking. Happy new year!