
          	Okay, I know! I know it’s been two weeks! I know! But I’m trying to add more details to each chapter and I want to produce the best work I can for your enjoyment. Please be patient! I’m sorry, but I’m still present and I’m around, just trying to make these new chapters as great as I can make them. 


          Okay, I know! I know it’s been two weeks! I know! But I’m trying to add more details to each chapter and I want to produce the best work I can for your enjoyment. Please be patient! I’m sorry, but I’m still present and I’m around, just trying to make these new chapters as great as I can make them. 


Hey guys! Thanks for voting for the rewritten/additions to Sex with the Alpha. I’m surprised there isn’t any comments with questions! 
          Don’t worry guys! I’m not flaking! I’m working on the rewrite for chapter two and I’m hoping to have it up within the next two days, fingers crossed at least! Take care ♥️


@PrincessBabyKins Thank you! I hope you’re doing well too! 


Welcome back darling! Long time no talk. I’m so glad to see that you’re doing better. Stay strong 


I’ve posted a rewritten version of Chapter One to Sex with the Alpha as well as added a Prologue. I’ll be on Wattpad to answer any questions you all may have! ♥️


@BiancaPerry00 so good to see you rewriting this masterpiece! 


Hey... it’s been a long time... like years! I thought I’d talk to you guys about a few things. First, the last few years have been hard. I’ve been struggling mentally and emotionally. Any motivation, any love I had for writing was gone. Even working on Life with the Alpha (now removed), proved to be too much for my mental state. 
          But during this time, I’ve been able to learn to hold myself accountable. I’ve checked my biases, most of them directed at me personally (not my race in general). There is not enough BIPOC writers to represent us properly. It is my responsibility to do just that. So, I feel I can tell the story of Christine and Brandon much better if they represented cultures that are often ignored. 
          I say all of that to say this. Keep and eye out (I know I’ve said it before lol) Sex with the Alpha will be having some drastic changes made to it. I hope you all adore the new version as much as the old. I’m hoping my growth as a writer will shine through some I wrote the first version as a sexually frustrated 16 year old. Thank you all for still being here. I love you!