
Hey everyone this is siddhi . I feel so sad to inform you all that my this account has been deleted. I don't know how but when I opened Wattpad to upload a chapter but i couldn't.
          It's feel so frustrating and sad that my account has been deleted. It was a long journey to reach here.  I got you all  my lovely readers and your support.  
          I had to create my new account this is my new account " Lilliyac_"
           Where from now on i will be uploading next chapters of his vicious love and not just an infatuation. Hope to see you there. 


@Liliyac_  excited for both booksss


Gradually there will be more recognition to your book author also they deserve it. You have always kept doing your thing no matter what keep continuing that. The book will gradually grow and get more likes and views. Consistency is the key! Your both books and also the third one each have very unique story i admire your narration and how regular you are no matter what .
          I will be eagerly waiting for your updates on both books


@rayrayyrayyy000 Thank you so much dear ❤️