


I like have 3 things to share with you all, you might not give a crap but I'm still sharing. Like honey, i don't give a crap that you don't give a crap. So you either keep reading this or nah. Anyways, I just wanted to get that out first but here are the three topics i wanted to share. First one, relationships are scary. Like i just saw this video about relationships and on how some relationships are a pain and lets just say, they're scary af. Next, have you ever went up to your mom, dad, whoever raised you and asked how you acted when you were a toddler? I have and my dear mother says that we were a pain and by we, i mean my bro and i. She said we were a pain because all we did was fight and again by we i mean my bro and i.  Lastly, my childhood is ruined thanks to Wonderful YouTube. And by ruined i don't mean anything sexual well sort of. Lets just say, Disney has a lot of dark and scary secrets.  Well they aren't that dark and they really aren't that scary well actually they are. But the point is if you ever want your childhood to be ruined, go to YouTube. They have answers. Ohhhh, and one more thing, its really cute to know that almost all Disney movies, mostly classicals and new ones such as frozen, are related. Again to find that out search it on YouTube.  One last thing, has anyone ever wondered if Andy's mom from toy story is actually in fact Emily from toy story 2 and she maybe or maybe not be Boo from monsters inc. You guys tell me. Alrighty, thats all i wanted to share. And I'll update as soon as i can. Later Gators. With soo much love , Jemmy