
Ah, finally. Chapter 2 was completely rewritten and I kind of happy with the result. I gave my love to it while listening to Best Part of Daniel Caesar ft. H.E.R. on repeat. I think I need to apologize to Ata and Bian for slacking almost half a year, and to whoever read my works. I sincerely apologize (bow, bow).
          	Wish you give them love.


Ah, finally. Chapter 2 was completely rewritten and I kind of happy with the result. I gave my love to it while listening to Best Part of Daniel Caesar ft. H.E.R. on repeat. I think I need to apologize to Ata and Bian for slacking almost half a year, and to whoever read my works. I sincerely apologize (bow, bow).
          Wish you give them love.


Hai! Flowerember chapter V sudah saya publish. Sudah lumayan lama, ya?
          Well, 2394 kata untuk chapter ini, Autumn Leaves. 
          Saya sangat-sangat sedih dan putus asa ketika menulis draftnya di Desember 2020. Sesungguhnya, chapter ini sangat sulit untuk saya tuangkan ke dalam tulisan karena harus menulis kilas balik cerita Raven yang sangat rumit. Maka saya putuskan untuk membaginya di chapter lain. Start dari chapter ini,  Flowerember akan mulai perjalanan panjang. Saya berterima kasih untuk yang sudah baca, terima kasih are-dj yang selalu komen juga. It motivates me! Terima kasih yang sudah vote. 
          Terima kasih sudah sabar bersama saya dengan cerita yang slow pace, slow burn.
          Love, V.


Betapa saya berani publish Fire & Ice padahal Flowerember belum juga bergerak. 
          Tidak apa, Flowerember is my main focus.
          Fire & Ice telah saya ketik di tahun ini, dan rasanya kalau tidak di-up, saya akan menelantarkannya. 
          Sepertinya saya sendiri butuh menulis cerita yang ringan.
          Selamat hari terakhir di 2020!


It's the end of the year and I think I should give it a shot. I'll publish a new story, hope it's not a crack one to begin with and it's in English, it's light and I enjoyed writing them months ago but it only have 2 chapters for now, thanks for my broken mac. Still trying to find a cover, and promised my self to publish it tonight and keep them update.


I wish I could finish rereading and revising the chapters I've  been working on and tap the submit tab, but I could not. Sorry. Please bear with me. When I feel they are enough, I'll  post.  I miss Kei.
          And thank you hectic months! It's  clearly the end of the year. I'll  kiss you goodbye soon enough!
          And I'm talking to my phone, I know.