
My DMS aren't working I'm-


If I ever go to a wedding, i want to be that one person crying in the crowd with a slice of cake, petting that really fancy persons dog. While they look at me like I'm crazy. Like, that's a wish that needs to come true.


@Jessiisagaybitch i was at a wedding once and I was that one person that ruined her dress and then started to get cold so someone gave her their jacket and I was sitting on a chair with someone I barely knew looking like someone just broke up with me


Sorry, I haven't been active. I'm going through a lot rn :/ I hate life. Well no, life basically hates me


@Jessiisagaybitch  nothing bby you just love me too much❤️


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Before I go to sleep, I want to say that social media is getting out of hand. People are harassing others and telling them to kill themselves just because of some dumb shit. Please I mean seriously stop if that's what you're doing. You know that saying, 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'? Yeah well words heart A LOT, please be careful with what you say to yourself and to others!
          @IStoleYourSkittles You are an amazing person, don't let what that stupid ass egg girl mess with you mess with you! And for you @GetThisEggTo1k, fuck off. What you're saying to him is horrible, you should be ashamed of yourself because I know I would.


Guess whos gonna be lonely and sad on Valentines day
          MEEEEEEEEEE ._.