
Hi there! 
          	I'm finally back, a lot younger and wiser. Being 22 is literally the epitome of happy, free and confused. I must admit that this year, I regained my love for writing as it becomes a form of therapy for me. It helps me process my emotions and also becomes a vessel for my contentment. 
          	In the process of venturing through Love or Whatever It May Be is, I wrote a collection of poems and stories that I want to put out to the world to maybe give these writings new perspectives and also give light to some of the best works I have made through this time. 
          	I hope you all can enjoy and love these works as much as I do :) 
          	Happy Reading!


Hi there! 
          I'm finally back, a lot younger and wiser. Being 22 is literally the epitome of happy, free and confused. I must admit that this year, I regained my love for writing as it becomes a form of therapy for me. It helps me process my emotions and also becomes a vessel for my contentment. 
          In the process of venturing through Love or Whatever It May Be is, I wrote a collection of poems and stories that I want to put out to the world to maybe give these writings new perspectives and also give light to some of the best works I have made through this time. 
          I hope you all can enjoy and love these works as much as I do :) 
          Happy Reading!


Hey wattpad! It's been awhile, I'm sorry for my absence and it's because I've been going through a lot of work and changes for grade 10. So if you would like to please contribute to my personal project about feminism on falliances.weebly.com :3 
          Thank you so much for your understanding and constant support! 


Hey Guys! 
          For you people who are interested in original stories, I have a great recommendation for y'all :D 
          It's titled Mismatched Twist and it is written by my dear friend @glazedlies 
          It'd be totally awesome if you go check it out :3 