
i redownloaded this from my 2017 fanfic days i- hate it here 


wtf, he should take things hella more serious. what if someone gets a severe anxiety attack, or a seizure? would his ass tell them to grow up? sorry, but this pissed me off. i'm sorry you had to deal with that shitty situation with your teacher, and i hope you're feeling better :')


@inbirth He’s gotten multiple warnings since parents have complained about him for years but the school doesn’t take full action and fire him. I’ve had issues with him since freshman year because he always targets me & will subtly insult me whenever he can (but of course he words it in ways he knows he can’t get in trouble for). Everyone of my teachers knows I take medication & have severe anxiety/chronic depression so when I have my little outbursts they understand, but this dick bag just hates me and thinks I am being dramatic. Thank you so much though <3