
this message may be offensive
Ummm so surprisingly I still haven’t deleted this app yet and I do still check my messages !!! If you need any help with concerts feel free to message me on here or on my Instagram isabel.geelan 
          	Love u all ! Thanks for still reading shit that I wrote when I was 15. 
          	-isabel <3 


this message may be offensive
Ummm so surprisingly I still haven’t deleted this app yet and I do still check my messages !!! If you need any help with concerts feel free to message me on here or on my Instagram isabel.geelan 
          Love u all ! Thanks for still reading shit that I wrote when I was 15. 
          -isabel <3 


Hey it’s been a HOT second since I posted on here. Just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who still reads and comments on Concert Survival 101!! I love you all so much!! Hope y’all have a wonderful holiday season.


Im not writing anything rn bc i suck at writing, but if anyone needs any ideas or inspirations for fanfic/stories I'm always here to help. I can make outlines for your fics or help you brainstorm if you're having writers block!!