
Heeelllllooooo cutie patooties!!
          	(I asked Alexa how to spell patootie, you learn something new everyday XD) shoutout to my hard working, overly opinionated and temperamental Alexa ❤️
          	I went for a ride in the forest last night in the dark, always fun when you can’t see where you’re going XD  
          	In the day I tell Caspian (my horse who looks suspiciously like maximus from tangled- no lie!) that there’s nothing to be scared of in the forest and stop spooking at nothing and then at night we’re both jumping and hoofing it in the opposite direction of every sound XD 


@jackgodessofall  I want a horse. I think I rode a horse once when I was 5 but I want one. I have a fear of most insects. 


@jackgodessofall Yeah it really is. It doesn't get in the way too much because I kinda just avoid animals. It really is crazy what our brains can do though. 


@GraceAndRuin  That’s so interesting. Fears in general are really complicated with all the psychology behind it. Hopefully it doesn’t get in the way of your life much. I knew someone with a fear of feet once and they couldn’t ever go to a pool or a beach because they would feint every time! Crazy what our brain can do to us 


Heeelllllooooo cutie patooties!!
          (I asked Alexa how to spell patootie, you learn something new everyday XD) shoutout to my hard working, overly opinionated and temperamental Alexa ❤️
          I went for a ride in the forest last night in the dark, always fun when you can’t see where you’re going XD  
          In the day I tell Caspian (my horse who looks suspiciously like maximus from tangled- no lie!) that there’s nothing to be scared of in the forest and stop spooking at nothing and then at night we’re both jumping and hoofing it in the opposite direction of every sound XD 


@jackgodessofall  I want a horse. I think I rode a horse once when I was 5 but I want one. I have a fear of most insects. 


@jackgodessofall Yeah it really is. It doesn't get in the way too much because I kinda just avoid animals. It really is crazy what our brains can do though. 


@GraceAndRuin  That’s so interesting. Fears in general are really complicated with all the psychology behind it. Hopefully it doesn’t get in the way of your life much. I knew someone with a fear of feet once and they couldn’t ever go to a pool or a beach because they would feint every time! Crazy what our brain can do to us 



Thank you so much for voting on my work! I really appreciate it ♥️♥️♥️


@jackgodessofall ahh no you shouldn’t apologise! I appreciate it ♥️


@JariaMirza14 Of course!! Sorry it took me so long to start reading, can’t wait to read more!! ❤️❤️


I don’t know how you all do it! Posting and doing updates- am I the only one who finds it hella scary?! XD 
          I love reading everyone’s posts tho, new writers and experienced ones alike. You guys are all so brave ❤️
          I just imagine standing in a dark room and shouting into it, both terrified to hear a reply as much as I’m terrified to not hear one :) 


@MoonFox153  Hiiii! Yes it’s way too scary XD 


@popcornknight I would also say I hope college eases up for you but that never happens so I’ll say good luck with everything and don’t overload!


Chapter nine of A Villain’s Secret is published!! Nox is out again ready to cause some chaos and be sassy to old people again I’m sure. 
          Lots of people announce these things so why not XD Yay more chapters!!
          Lies, lies, lies! All of it. 
          Life is all a lie and death is the only truth. 
          I’m just a happy person with depressing thoughts and story ideas!!! 


Team bad sponge xD 


@livlaughdance We can be bad sponges together XD 


Oh ok well then I’m in a constant state of being a bad sponge 