
h hewwo anyone its your local offend everybody defect person @Xx_Hey_Moon_xX and @Xx_Fallen_Ones_xX get over here


@Xx_Hey_Moon_xX ur either layney or millies amigos


Or one of amelias amigos


 Dude i know ur layney


aight i made this alt because i doubt wattpad will delete this account or let me in and i dont wanna use my main but i seriously need to just say sorry and address things and i just wanna say im trying not to be like the person i was here ok. maybe im overthinking things idc man. if wattpad sees this please at least delete the compromising information i can give more details in email. this part of my life id rather forget.
          ok so i was around 11-12 when this account was active and i was a riot of a kid, typical "lol im better than everyone i think about meaning of life and society" yeah pretty insufferable and mix that in with 4ch internet "friends" (cough cough gr00mers cough) and we've got a twelvie who wore fedoras legit i did pretty sad & cringe lmao. anyways i was overall rude, insensitive, edgy and gross, im sorry if anyone had to deal with me i couldnt read the intro man i really couldn't. im working on not being an insufferable pr1ck and yeahhh. also do i really need to see myself critisize the amount of furry 5mut?? no i really dont wanna think about it
          why im posting on an alt and cant get into the account is that the email attatched to this account is deleted and i could still log in but ever since the email breach theres no email for the password change to get in (and im p sure i had the right pw) so im locked out. i contacted the staff and they basically asked "whats in your library, unpubs, usernames etc" i answered best i could but idk if its enough this was 4 years ago and idk if i could just tell them the password i remembered. its been 5 days since the last response so who knows if they just forgot or someth but theres stuff here that puts me in danger almost. i get the security concerns ok but if something bad happens well i asked them to take stuff down. 
          PS; wattpad can see what you read and dont publish and im genuinely scared whats in this account's LOL. also remember to change emails for all your accounts  in advance before you delete them.


"Why is 98% of people my age brainlets? Why are all the people I used to enjoy my time with becoming merely another bother? Am I the only one who looks beyond? It’s lonely over here" NO WONDER I WAS A REJECT LMAO PLS DELETE THIS TOOOOO OMLLLLL WTF YOUNGER ME WHAT TWELVIE WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT OBJECITIVITY OR SOMETHING IM MONKEY BRAIN THESE DAYS IDK BUT WTF YOUNGER ME LMAOOOOOO SEE THIS IS THE 5HIT IM TALKING ABOUT AHHHH


h hewwo anyone its your local offend everybody defect person @Xx_Hey_Moon_xX and @Xx_Fallen_Ones_xX get over here


@Xx_Hey_Moon_xX ur either layney or millies amigos


Or one of amelias amigos


 Dude i know ur layney


this message may be offensive
Go away erisol, i cant give more of a fuck about that. 97% of ships do not cross the “o .o is this my boat” line.
          Jaderose please. 
          Also Robo Fortune and squigly are the best Skullgirl fighters, gotta spam the downkick and decapitate yourself.