I'm not a writer but I love to read and I've found so many amazing books to read and reread. I'm horrible about voting or what ever it is. I just get sucked into the book and it's the last thing I think of. So I'm slowly go through all the ones I have read and doing that but I don't add books to my reading list that I didn't fall in love with. I'll say this if is on my reading list I'm waiting for them to be published as I would love to have a copy of each on my bookshelves.

I have about 50 books I want to read and twenty that I've started and waiting for updates. I'm always interested in reading more books and finding new authors so if you know some books that are a must read let me know I'm always looking for a new world to read about.
  • JoinedJuly 11, 2020

4 Reading Lists