
@iswearidontbite sorry i have been away :) im going to try and get caught back up the next few days.


hey...you're right...about the timing thing...last week was when it came out and...uh oh
          unless...his secret had come out 'the week before' and his story started sometime in the past, a week after everything happened.
          yeah, that makes sense, i think. does it to you?
          also, thanks for pointing that out :)


@iswearidontbite I would love someone to make my cover. But it will have tobe orginal and royalty free in order for me to use it as the cover when im selling it.  Last night I went thru my notes and I have beendriving myself nuts on trying to think of how I can do it myself. 
          Do u like to read? If so I found some research material for you. Its called "into the mouth of the wolf" by dagon, joshua. His writing style matches yours. Its not a sparkaly vampire book and its written as if looking back on his life. So far I have only found it on kindle.
          I think I found a slight problem but not sure. I havent had time go back and reread. But untill then just incase you get a chance before me. I think your time is off I think there is a spot you mention something like "last week was when this happened " then a week goes by. So either the end is comming soon or that might need edited. That is if its actualy in there(sorry I am not actualy sure, I didnt have time last night toresearch)


hey, don't worry. i have no train to catch.
          judging by your comment about the artist, i'm guessing that you don't want to get someone on wattpad to help you out instead? 
          the flashback thing, i'm putting them in third person because i know there's going to be incidences where things will happen, but max won't be there - but the reader needs to be told. do you get? also, third person allows me to write emotions of people (like max's dad) - that max can't tell...
          i think that you've been saying that i'm mixing up persons,
          i'm replying to what i think you're saying - that the third person is not max, not anybody's point of view - rather, a neutral tone telling the reader what happened.