
Chapter 1 of Death Point is finally up! Enjoy, guys!


After actually having some time to really sit down and think about it, I will NOT be going totally dark, however, I will post much less than inended. I must apologize, as PerfoROMANCE is staying down. In it's place, I'm beginning a new novel called The Inside Story, and I may be doing a poem/songbook, but I'm not too sure about that one. Sorry about before, thank you for being patient with my stupidity.


I must sincerely apologize for taking down PerfoROMANCE. Unforseen events have occured that required me to take it down. I will be inactive for a while, so i will complete a few parts for other stories within the next two or three weeks before going completely off the radar until further notice. Please listen closely: this is no one's fault; i just need a break. I'm so sorry it came to this, but thank you for understanding. I will see you all when I decide to return.