(🍃) ! プロレス / MAKAYLA
adelaide, australia
females are strong as hell
le femmine sono forti come l'inferno
samice są silne jak cholera
since 23-03-02

wattpad | second. @peteywilliams_
wattpad | third. @angxlrock
tumblr | jayswitchblade
tumblr | wrestlingoneshots
ig | personal. makayla_kozlowski
sc | mk200223

in nineteen sixty one,
they started on the wall,
in nineteen sixty one,
they start another war.

current books
- painted blue | shane mcmahon
- the fight queen | shavannah gunn / the bullet club
- bloody tulips | call of duty

completed books
- shane mcmahon preferences

  • switchblade
  • انضمMay 25, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
jayswitchblade jayswitchblade Feb 19, 2024 02:45AM
a year hiatus on this account but i’m back and working on a call of duty fanfiction HAHHAHA 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم 🔪👑
ᑲᥣ᥆᥆ძᥡ 𝗍ᥙᥣі⍴s ᯾ CALL OF DUTY بقلم jayswitchblade
ᑲᥣ᥆᥆ძᥡ 𝗍ᥙᥣі⍴s ᯾ CALL OF DUTY
"𝑰 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝑻𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒑." COVER: @jayswitchblade STARTED: February 19th...
The Fight Queen || BULLET CLUB بقلم jayswitchblade
The Fight Queen || BULLET CLUB
❝Don't let my looks fool you. I may look like a lady, but I can fight. I don't pull hair, I break bones❞ Shav...
+11 أكثر
Painted Blue || SHANE MCMAHON بقلم jayswitchblade
Painted Blue || SHANE MCMAHON
"I know there's a difference in our ages, but who cares? My heart has no idea how old your heart is.&quo...
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