
alright so hi! it's been too long hasn't it? how are you all doing?
          	so recently someone reached out to me about 'His Fillower' and whether or not I'll continue it. they were nice about it and I actually appreciated it. so I'm here to publicly inform that yes, I do have plans of continuing that book.
          	it's a story with lots of hard edges and lost pieces which need their own slots. so it'll take time. lots of it, sorry.
          	however, I'm actually currently participating in two fests which are time tight. and i was thinking I'll properly come back to this book after finishing those, making this my priority as I've realised, compared to all the ideas I have, this is the most planned out by far.
          	for those who've waited, are still waiting, and are willing to wait, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
          	hopefully I'll be able to do something this year.


@Titi186 no, I'm glad to hear that ;-; thank you, you're too sweet! I hope your exams go well and you score great!


@jeno_jelly yup that me  really stressed out because of my pg exam but it definitely gave me a distraction from the stress.. in a good way of course ..i am uninstalling the app for my exam but will definitely reinstall it so that I can read ur book after my exam hopefully 


alright so hi! it's been too long hasn't it? how are you all doing?
          so recently someone reached out to me about 'His Fillower' and whether or not I'll continue it. they were nice about it and I actually appreciated it. so I'm here to publicly inform that yes, I do have plans of continuing that book.
          it's a story with lots of hard edges and lost pieces which need their own slots. so it'll take time. lots of it, sorry.
          however, I'm actually currently participating in two fests which are time tight. and i was thinking I'll properly come back to this book after finishing those, making this my priority as I've realised, compared to all the ideas I have, this is the most planned out by far.
          for those who've waited, are still waiting, and are willing to wait, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
          hopefully I'll be able to do something this year.


@Titi186 no, I'm glad to hear that ;-; thank you, you're too sweet! I hope your exams go well and you score great!


@jeno_jelly yup that me  really stressed out because of my pg exam but it definitely gave me a distraction from the stress.. in a good way of course ..i am uninstalling the app for my exam but will definitely reinstall it so that I can read ur book after my exam hopefully 


So apparently I'm alive haha 
          Ok though, jokes aside, to say the truth, things have been layering on top of one another a lot lately and what more with the severe flooding my region is under so really, the situation is so dire now and I just wanted to inform that I have no idea of how long I'll take to straighten up my life to as neat of a bow as I can before coming back and am currently asking for both your patience and understanding.
          Again, thank you and i hope everyone is doing well (at least in some sort of way).


I edited 'His Follower | Markhyuck' a bit and by that I mean getting rid of those useless notes except the first and last one since those two are actually needed.
          Seriously, I admire your patience and how unbothered by those notes you are (are those the right words) cuz really I couldn't stand them when I was reading over it ugh. 
          really thank you with sticking through even when it must have been hard.


          I really hope that 2022 will be an easier year for you and if not, I hope for you to be strong enough to keep on stepping forward and show the world that you are willing to accept what it gives and grow. However, do remember that it's completely fine to take a break. After all, we're all humans, creatures who need love and reassure, most importantly time.
          Hope you can spend today with a light heart. Love you all, Luna. 


@jbshunterjeanyoung no it's fine haha thank you hope you were able to spend a good day 


Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates it! And regardless of whether you do or not, I still hope for you to be able to spend a great day! Sending lots of hugs and kisses and let's try to end the year on a good note! ^^