
@caffrey1974 unfortunately I live in Northern California haha but if I'm ever in Kansas ill let you know :) 


Okay, so your note made me tear up! Do you live in Kansas? If so, you're hired. We have respite care available, but I haven't taken advantage of it. I may have to. It's definitely needed. Thanks for your sweet words. I'm blessed by Zach, his beautiful, innocent look at life, his handsome smile and bright blue eyes. I know those families are blessed to have your help! Again, thanks!


@caffrey1974 one of the company's I work for called families united was started by a woman with a disabled daughter and what we do is ever 3 months family's are alotted a number of hours and given a list of providers ( such as myself) to interview and choose from. We work in the kids homes with them as a relief for the parents to ether go to a movie or have personal time or most of my families use the time to clean the house or read in the back yard or grocery shop things that are all possible with an autistic child but are difficult with any child. So I have relationships with most of the families I work for because I'm just there so they don't have to follow the child or know where they are all the time and can focus on what they need to do. I used to work privately doing the same thing and I think even though it isn't as necessary a service as my other jobs with adults without family's who have around the clock staff it deffinately helps the stress of the house hold, gives the children one on one time with another authority and friend figure and makes it easier for families to maintain their house and emotional well being. All of my autistic kids are boys and though the fits and potty training issues are difficult the affection and joy that they spread is immeasurable. Not all parents can handle a child like yours the way you seem to be and with all your other children and your husband away I can say just from the hours I am with autistic children you are a very strong and loving mother. Your son and all your children are blessed :) I am considering going into behavioral therapy since working with autistic children to understand triggers and communication boundaries better not only to advance my career (9.15 an hour won't support me forever) but because I love my job. And no matter the crazy uncertain hours and pay at my age I feel blessed to be able to say I never hold a grudge about going to work. Thank you 


I'm not finished with it. The story is really still in the making, as he's now 6. It's very personal, and emotional, for me, so it takes longer than my fictitious works. With WattPad, the moms would have to read it on here... you won't be able to email it to them. Thanks for your work with people who have autism. As the parent of a "special" individual (and he is so special), I want to say that you are making a difference in someone's life, and that's incredible!


@caffrey1974 I work with children and adults with autism so it's really relatable to me when I spend 40 hours a week with them... After I read completely I'm thinking of emailing it to a few of the mothers with younge ones that it may speak to. Thank you for telling your story. Autism is the reason I am so in love with my job.