
To the girl who wrote in a comment for my 1st book  and I quote 
          	"Really one paragraph?" 
          	I'd like to enlighten you with a few life lessons 
          	1) typing the words really one paragraph does not make me want to write more
          	2) if you comment anything else nasty on my book do it with class! Anyone can be a bee itch and say "really one paragraph?" 
          	3 ) if you had of been polite And said
          	" wow I love this chapter. Maybe try and allow yourself to write more, include a few more paragraphs or what not. Otherwise love the book. Please update " 
          	Then maybe I wouldn't be spending time wasted explaining to you how to be grateful and would be writting a new chapter!
          	4) take this. Learn this. Love this
          	My main rule is don't be a bloody bee itch 
          	If you chose to write something nasty then I will continue to write on an on about how to not write nasty 
          	If you don't like my writting fine, you don't have to. 
          	But do not scoop so low as to make someone feel bad about something they put effort into 
          	You know who you are
          	And for others who are reading this please refer to chapter 22 comments 


To the girl who wrote in a comment for my 1st book  and I quote 
          "Really one paragraph?" 
          I'd like to enlighten you with a few life lessons 
          1) typing the words really one paragraph does not make me want to write more
          2) if you comment anything else nasty on my book do it with class! Anyone can be a bee itch and say "really one paragraph?" 
          3 ) if you had of been polite And said
          " wow I love this chapter. Maybe try and allow yourself to write more, include a few more paragraphs or what not. Otherwise love the book. Please update " 
          Then maybe I wouldn't be spending time wasted explaining to you how to be grateful and would be writting a new chapter!
          4) take this. Learn this. Love this
          My main rule is don't be a bloody bee itch 
          If you chose to write something nasty then I will continue to write on an on about how to not write nasty 
          If you don't like my writting fine, you don't have to. 
          But do not scoop so low as to make someone feel bad about something they put effort into 
          You know who you are
          And for others who are reading this please refer to chapter 22 comments 


Your book is amazing (bad boy, r u stupid) it's a great accomplishment, u should be extremely proud. 


@jf0039 ayye, my fam calls me monkey


Hahah thank you. It means a lot to me. I never thought I'd get this many reads. Thx monkey 


Dang I just got real deep there