
this message may be offensive
i hate him. i hate that he isnt there anymore even if he never really was. i hate that i cant see his info anymore so he probably deleted my number. i dont just hate the fact that hes doing this, but that nobody wants me the way i want them.. its so frustrating and i dont fucking know what to do and now im crying because i dont know what ive done wrong because at the beginning he was nice and texted me goodmorning and goodnight but now he doesnt want to talk to me anymore and i dont know why. im a terrible human being and i hate me for the fact that i am crying over him and not just getting over it but i cant. and i dont want to. i just wanna know what i did wrong. 


this message may be offensive
i hate him. i hate that he isnt there anymore even if he never really was. i hate that i cant see his info anymore so he probably deleted my number. i dont just hate the fact that hes doing this, but that nobody wants me the way i want them.. its so frustrating and i dont fucking know what to do and now im crying because i dont know what ive done wrong because at the beginning he was nice and texted me goodmorning and goodnight but now he doesnt want to talk to me anymore and i dont know why. im a terrible human being and i hate me for the fact that i am crying over him and not just getting over it but i cant. and i dont want to. i just wanna know what i did wrong. 


Njaw Dankeschön fürs Voten ^^ wie bist du auf meinen Account gekommen wenn ich fragen darf ? XD 
          Würde mich übrigens freuen wenn du bei meiner Ff 'Dangerous Game' vorbeischauen könntest :3


Büdde büdde^^ Sagt dir bxbybxy und ein Profilbild von Suga was?? xD Bin auch in Getis Chat:)
            Mach ich!! :]