
I'm gonna focus on this new jeonghan one for now
          	Thanks baes <333


Here because u took a break from tiktok and I'm so happy i did 'cause I love your stories so much. I admire how creative you are and how u manage to make such engaging stories. Just letting u know that we appreciate you so much and always wait for your updates 


No cuz if i don’t say it I can’t continue my study lol while studying this idea comes to my mind , I don't know if it's good or not but for example (kyeom or Hui or hoon or non or any member you like) is a childhood friend to a girl. They were very close in middle school, but they had to separate because of changing schools in high school Later they will reunite in the same profession (doctor, teacher, or office). It is then revealed that they were also together in college but they never noticed each other.


Hi. I saw your story on TikTok, and I just wanted to say. I'm sorry that people are saying those things to you, but I really enjoy your stories and look forward to them. I am always back on tik tok every five minutes to see if you posted. Do not let them get to you. Keep fighting.


this message may be offensive
Hiiiii ! I always ready your AU (that are amazing to me, thanks for your hardwork <3). And I saw this morning your post about all shit you received. I hope you're doing great right now. People are really mean and I hope you follows yourself and your heart before following others. You're the most important in your life okay ? You did really really well and whoever you are, I'm proud of you. 
          I already have the thought that you're really hardworking and that you should tale more time for you. But that's up to you anyway. I just hope you're being okay. Never forget that you can be proud, okay ? You're doing well, really well. And, to reassure you, you've never disappointed me. I'm always super proud to read your stories. Thanks again for that.
          Be happier than me :)


          I know it must be hard dealing with the hate you got. But don't stress about it, it won't do any good. And there are so many people who's supporting you. They are waiting for your stories and updates because they love it. So please try to focus on your fans. We are here for you. 
          And I hope you can come back soon. 


Hey, I am so sorry for the hate that you got. But I hope that I can tell you that, this people are just bored and jealous af and I know how hard it is for you to get such messages and comments. They probably don’t know how much work and time you spend for the stories but the readers that truly likes your work, they know it and appreciated. You did great with your 3 Stories and I hope that you don’t feel so down anymore. Love  (I am sorry English is not my first language)


Girlyyy. I also came from tik tok and I wanted to say I have been following you since the begining where you still had your snap on your bio. I just wanted to say that your writing is amazing and I always wait until you upload. You are a great writer and your stories do make my day better. Don't listen to the hate cuz you don't deserve it. Keep up girlypop


Hello love, I have seen what you posted on tiktok, and I don't know how else to send you this message. Your work is yours and yours alone. Aside from that, your writing is so beautiful and creative, and you keep out doing yourself since the first time you posted. You're not weak for standing up for yourself. Whatever makes you comfortable and happy is our priority, for sure. Whatever decision you make regarding your account, I am sure we will respect it. Thank you for making my day a little bit better when you post.
          I hope your days are filled with happiness and that everything goes smoothly for you. Love and thank you for everything ❤️ 


@00lilyj if you ever need some to talk to, I am always here to listen. You can message me on tiktok or here


you do you. write whatever, whenever. dont say the word “sorry” dont let people treat you like you owe them updates. you make so many others (myself included) have one more reason to smile whenever you update. dont let people make you feel you have to produce even when you cant. as a carat its supposed to be a trait of ours by now to be patient and understanding. 


and thank you for always making uri hannie manly! hes the most beautiful man ive laid eyes on and it annoys me when carats look past his manliness and treat him like hes out of a closet twink. misgender him. you bring so much justice to him, hed be so proud of your pov of him. 