
checking back on this account feels like i’m standing over a desolate wasteland as i bathe in the nostalgia of my old fanfic years. a lot of the stuff i wrote was huge cringe and i still feel bad for all the fics i had planned but left hanging. there was one rinlen fic especially i was super excited about—for the most part i had the plot and everything—but just never finished that first chapter before i started losing interest in vocaloid. i still love the music and all the fun you can have with the characters, don’t get me wrong!! but the love i had just simmered down a little bit in 2018.
          	now i‘m here. almost done with my junior year of high school, really into musicals, just started taking part in theatre, aspiring to be a storyboard artist, and thinking about my apush exam later today.
          	god i can’t believe i started this account when i was 12. i apologize to any of you who had to deal with my cringe lmao


@DEVILPAI ah, the ominous kpop phase-


@jnobeza I remember reading your stories back in middle school and in a sea of cringy fiction, I actually really liked your stories. They were entertaining, interesting, and well written. Now I've recently got back into Vocaloid since I've given myself the opportunity to discover it again, and plan to purchase the software this time and produce my own music. I was always into it, but like you, It simmered down when I found other interests (*COUGH* My kpop phase) and I get a different enjoyment than what I felt in 6th/7th grade. Almost moving into senior year myself, It does stink sometimes to notice your flame dying down into a simple nostalgia, but funny when you laugh at how cringy you used to be.
          	  I just wanted to show my appreciation and thank you for providing wonderful stories and contributing to the fandom by expressing your love for Vocaloid through fiction. I hope you're doing well and become successful in what you want to do now!


checking back on this account feels like i’m standing over a desolate wasteland as i bathe in the nostalgia of my old fanfic years. a lot of the stuff i wrote was huge cringe and i still feel bad for all the fics i had planned but left hanging. there was one rinlen fic especially i was super excited about—for the most part i had the plot and everything—but just never finished that first chapter before i started losing interest in vocaloid. i still love the music and all the fun you can have with the characters, don’t get me wrong!! but the love i had just simmered down a little bit in 2018.
          now i‘m here. almost done with my junior year of high school, really into musicals, just started taking part in theatre, aspiring to be a storyboard artist, and thinking about my apush exam later today.
          god i can’t believe i started this account when i was 12. i apologize to any of you who had to deal with my cringe lmao


@DEVILPAI ah, the ominous kpop phase-


@jnobeza I remember reading your stories back in middle school and in a sea of cringy fiction, I actually really liked your stories. They were entertaining, interesting, and well written. Now I've recently got back into Vocaloid since I've given myself the opportunity to discover it again, and plan to purchase the software this time and produce my own music. I was always into it, but like you, It simmered down when I found other interests (*COUGH* My kpop phase) and I get a different enjoyment than what I felt in 6th/7th grade. Almost moving into senior year myself, It does stink sometimes to notice your flame dying down into a simple nostalgia, but funny when you laugh at how cringy you used to be.
            I just wanted to show my appreciation and thank you for providing wonderful stories and contributing to the fandom by expressing your love for Vocaloid through fiction. I hope you're doing well and become successful in what you want to do now!


How the heck do you have so many followers? Like dang, I'm like in middle school right now and not gonna lie, I'm pretty good at writing, but geez I need ideas and I feel like I'm falling behind in the Wattpad community. :'( Welp, there's my life being wasted on Wattpad.


Hello! You might remember me from my old account HotaruStar where I published a pretty terribly written fic titled 1/6 out of the gravity. When you gave me feedback on it, it kind of pushed me to become a better writer. I mean, I'm still not that good haha but I just wanted you to know that you pushed me to keep writing and improve upon it, I've since abandoned the account and have been trying to publish my very best content. I also no longer have the story in one huge paragraph X3. So thank you. (Also since you have a lot of stories and I have no inspiration to write maybe I'll read a few lol) : 3


@SakuraHanabira AWW THAT'S SO SWEET !! I'm glad I could help- it means so much when people say I helped them pursue writing ;;; (I love you all a lot aaa,,) I hope you continue to write and strive to improve for the future. I wish you luck on your writing journey <3


Hey I read your story 'Blessied Messiah and the tower of AI' I love it,it gave me feels so much and I saw on the story about TRUE friendships all the friends sacrificed for there most fragile friend that they love..


@CreepyMiraculous123 your welcome and ya it is I tried so hard not to cry


@CreepyMiraculous123 Aah thank you !! The whole story of Blessed Messiah overall is really sad, but also touching ;;


Update on my writing status: I feel like I’m at the lowest of the low. I’ve gotten over the guilt of not updating for so long, but what’s killing me now is how much I //want// to right but can’t. After a year of being on a hiatus, my brain has just shut off. Not gonna lie, my writing juices have just slowed. I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m intimidated by what everyone’s response’ll be to my writing after a huge hiatus, or if it’s literally just become more difficult for me to write.
          Regardless, I’m not giving up on writing. I miss the old days where I’d sit around and update or just stay up on Wattpad writing and publishing. I really want to relive those days.
          Some day this year I’ll make a comeback (really hoping to this year at least—) and when I do, please don’t hold high expectations for my writing. I’ve learned a ton about proper grammar over my hiatus and can honestly spot a //massive// amount of flaws in every one of my fics. I’ll come back with (hopefully) less flaws and probably the most basic writing you’ve ever seen, but I’ll try my best to get back to where I was before (but improved).
          (Also thank you for almost 1K !! I still can’t believe it— 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。)


@jnobeza *hugs* even this is late I'll hope to see you again!