
Chasing after the wrong person (Pernico)- Chapter 23


Guys Im dead. This account is dead. I said i would update last never happened and more likely then not i probably wont for  a while.                                                    
           Ok so i have a problem: There's this person: My bestie that ive known since 3rd grade that ive liked a lot on and off . I realized i liked her in 4/5th grade and I liked her a lot, but i was scared to tell her. 6th grade comes and I still like her so i tell her. She likes me back but then my parents find out and i had to tell a million lies to get out of it (My parents are homophobic) and so we "broke up" If u could really call two 6th graders a serious relationship. Anyway I never stopped liking her through out 7th grade but i realized mt feelings are more strong whenever im talking to her or smth. Then we go to my friends bday and the next day I tell her i like her and she says she likes me back. But we never brought it up again and now i dont know how to feel or what to do. Oh also we can never talk abt us liking each other in person ;-;                                      If u actually read this thank you and pls help❤️ (Sry for any mistakes in my writing im tired)


GUYS IM BACK!!! I haven't updates, but I may tomorrow or Wendesday. I wanted to tell you guys some stuff:
          1) Lol I got TikTok my username is: sassysisters1307 (My sister and I share it)
          2) I'm not into Hamilton anymore.....I'll still be updating All We Need Is Time, but it's going to be different
          3) I'll be updating more frequently during the Summer
          4) I made another account (It's for my straight ships [bc of my parents. I'm on there everyday]  and more child-friendly stuff lol) it's: Hopefully_a_Demigod , I do PJO/ HoO stuff on there so please go check me out.
          That's all for now thank you all!!


Heeeyyyy so some of my friends gave me the idea to do Mack's backstory (After I finish the AU ofc) and it will consist of her from middle school until the beginning of my Jamilton fanfic. What do you guys think???


At the end of the day, it's your choice whether you wanna do it or not :]


Hello fellow humani I know I haven't updated in a while but just to let you know I am putting my LAMS AUs on hold and focusing on me JAMILTON one rn Im sry but I have been going through a lot of stuff and Im debating on coming out to my parents but idk....Thank you guys for understanding!!!


:) Although it sucks bc my parents are homophobic so...-_-


@john_laurens0426 You didn't tell me!! Also congrats on finding out!


Wait u didn't know?! (Im bi)