
Hi John, I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for adding House of Auksas to your reading list and for voting on the first few chapters - I hope you continue to enjoy it and please do let me know what you think as you go along.
          P.S. Reading your favourites list above - how amazing is the King Killer Chronicles!?!? One of my absolute favourites and I hope Patrick gets his ass into gear and finishes the next book soon!


Thanks for the follow, John! I see you're a fan of epic fantasy (great taste!), may I recommend my completed story "The Windcaster", which features a young girl in a world of magic with her country going to war, and my on-going project "Rise of the Vengeful Dragon", which features a girl reviving a dragon in a world where dragons fight and cause destruction :) Let me know what you think. Have a nice day~