Hi. How’s everyone doing?
It’s September now. I’m so proud of everyone for making it this far! I know I’ve been inactive lately with my writing and it’s honestly so difficult for me to juggle all things at once. I have so much stuff I have to do, and so much stuff I want to do. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck between two worlds. The medical field is way, way far from the field of creativity and art and basically everything that makes me feel alive(?) It’s so hard because I know my heart is always with you guys, but my heart also goes out to the people whose lives I want to save one day. I hope you guys understand! I hope to see you guys when I come back soon again. I won’t leave you hanging, I promise. I still have so many plans for the city series, for my work, for my music, for us. And just know that I’m rooting for you guys wherever you may be right now.
For those of you in school, study hard! Send me your achievements, I’ll celebrate with you!
For those of you with work, thank you for your hard work! The adult world is tough, but I believe you are doing great and I’m proud of you for that!
For those of you stuck and are having a hard time, cheer up! Your mere existence makes the world a better place and I am happy you exist. We’ll get through this together. Fighting!
I love you guys. Always and forever. I’ll see you again soon.