
Hey guys,
          	The first Episode of As Told By US, is out now on my channel: https://youtu.be/qhbJ8pHXazw?feature=shared
          	Feel free to check it out.


Hey guys it's been a while,
          As Told By US will be undergoing editing, especially most of the earlier chapters.
          Just like what I'm doing with The Diary of ME, some of the chapters will be completely revamped and changed while others might just go through a bit of correction here and there(especially in spellings and grammatical errors).
          So please, feel free to revisit the chapters and see what has changed and how I've improved.
          Hope you enjoy them :)


Quick note;
          The Diary of Me will be unpublished till further notice, it will be going under heavy editing as a lot of things need to be changed and revamped, this may or may not include the title.
          I can't give a definite time as to when or if it will be republished but rest assured I'll try to.
          In the mean time I wish to focus more on As Told By US, once I've reached a point with that I'll consider returning to The Diary of ME


Hey everyone, Merry Christmass.
          Long time no see
          Uni has been busy and I'm sorry I haven't been doing any typing.
          Just wanting to let you know that Chapter 43 of ATBU is in progress and will be out soon enough.
          Also another big news, I have finally starting posting on youtube I posted my first video today so feel free to head on down and look forward to what's next.
          Till next time