
Ight. That's it. I'm done. Peace out y'all
          	Nope kidding, can't get rid of me that easily as for my roommate.... I wish I could strangle him! Don't even get me started. UGH.
          	Anyways, working on yet another chapter of JUST THAT GIRL so if you haven't read it yet check it out or if you have, stay tuned for the next update.
          	Aaaand I got to go on a shopping/spa date with my bestie Allie then a basketball date with her cousin, and my other bestie Jax! So that was nice alsooo my wrist and everything is all better and I'm good to go


Ight. That's it. I'm done. Peace out y'all
          Nope kidding, can't get rid of me that easily as for my roommate.... I wish I could strangle him! Don't even get me started. UGH.
          Anyways, working on yet another chapter of JUST THAT GIRL so if you haven't read it yet check it out or if you have, stay tuned for the next update.
          Aaaand I got to go on a shopping/spa date with my bestie Allie then a basketball date with her cousin, and my other bestie Jax! So that was nice alsooo my wrist and everything is all better and I'm good to go


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Ok so, I decided I will start my spam book on this account instead!
          It'll have like a face reveal of me and just random stuff like rants poems and shit, OH and I just came up with the genius idea I can do like short stories or sneak peaks into new possible books!!


~Revenge sounds so mean, that's why I like to call it returning the favor
          ~I get most of my exercise these days by shaking my head in disbelief
          ~I'm 100% sure I called shotgun, why are you shoving me in the back?
          Yeahhh I realize that I'm being arrested, but the rules of shotgun are pretty clear man
          ~I advise you, don't mess with me, I know karate, kung fu, judo, tae kwon do, and about 28 other dangerous words.
          ~ When someone asks me what I did over the weekend I squint and ask, "Why, what did you hear?"
          ~A DAY WITHOUT COFFEE IS LIKE.... I'm just kidding, I have no idea
          ~I'M NOT SAYING LETS KILL ALL THESE STUPID PEOPLE I'm saying just remove all the warning signs and let the issue sort itself out
          Detective: How did this man drown?
          Me: He couldn't breathe underwater.
          ~I HAVE ABS
          -solutely no self-control when it comes to dessert
          ~An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough
          ~Your daily dose of sarcasm
          ~You never realize what you have until it's gone. Toilet paper is a good example.


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          OK OK I'll stop being annoying, but aaaaa
          I'm so happy!!!
          So a few days ago when I was supposedly gonna post a new chapter of my story (SORRY!!) my best friend texted me telling me she bought me a plane ticket to fly back home for the weekend, and so of course I accepted a free flight... anyways
          I've had a crush on this guy who just happens to be my stepbrother's best friend -don't judge me lol- and I was back home chilling at the lake with some of my friends when he rolls up and comes over to me! ME! And asks if I want to go down to the dock to maybe catch up since it's been almost a year and we get to talking.. small talk... blah blah all that good stuff
          BUUUT if my profile pic is any tell of anything..... I may not be hopelessly single anymore.... MAYBE


          So yup, new chapter of Just That Girl coming out later today! Finally some cute/ romantic stuff and a possible daddy....
          *hehe* Kidding, kidding
          You'll see when I post it later AAA!!


Hey lovely, I was wondering if maybe you could check out my friend’s story?! It’s a smutty romcom with faking dating and bad girl& good boy trope. Thank you for supporting my friend if you choose to do so! :) https://www.wattpad.com/story/275934121-10-ways-to-get-over-lana-hart


@namjin_hopekook  yeah for sure, it looks like a great story!


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          1. I will be updating Just That Girl at some point either later today or next week...we'll see cause ya know life and school are just double bitches together and I  don't feel motivated at all.
          2. I REALLY NEED TO RANT so I will save that till the end of this announcement so y'all can just ignore me if you want, and if you actually care yay! *INSERT HAPPY DANCE*
          3. I really need to know.... which book(s) do y'all want me to work on finishing first, bc as previously stated I need some motivation
          Just like comment which ones you love or don't, and I'll work on it
          **Personal shit ahead**
          4. My rant:
          So...picking up with my last rant I will start with my roommate who is a complete and total asswipe.
          Of course when I first walked into my apartment and saw this Italian sex god with gorgeous green eyes I thought fuck yeah! my wattpad fantasy is coming true *hehe* then six months later, put aside his hotness, I CANNOT STAND HIM. The late night slamming doors, the constant traffic of girls, it drives me CRAZY. The nonstop parties that I have to clean up and kick passed out college kids out, I'm slowly going insane. Am I jealous? I think the fuck not. My (not) naive little self thought well this is how all stories start, so maybe? Once again, six months later and I'm still wishing the ground would swallow me whole.
          Moooving on. I hate men, like so much.
          So get this, my biological father left when I was one, my first stepfather abused my mom, me and my little bro (ADDICTION inspiration y'all), and now my second stepfather is a manipulative drunk. He was before he met my mom, then he stopped, everything was all pink fluffy unicorns and chicken nuggets dancing on rainbows until 3 years ago and then BAM, that bitch just up and left us yesterday. We're better off without him BUT STILL!
          Anyways, I'm done. Y'all please don't feel obligated to respond to that, and keep your heads up high!


Also, really sorry that this is so long...


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          No, it doesn't feel like Christmas at the fuck all, but I thought I should post something
          12:45 MST here, just turned x-mas day 45 minutes ago and my roommate's party is in full swing. I swear my eardrums are about to blow out.
          He is such an obnoxious son-of-a- you get my point, and he throws parties like every other night.
          I know I didn't post this to rant about my roommate but that's where we're going soo.....
          One night I was out late at the barn with my friends and I came home to a rager going on- no surprise there- but of course we had ground rules, like nobody was aloud in my room. Oh man was I pissed when I walk into my room and there, half naked on my bed is my roommate with some girl. 
          Good times, anyways y'all Merry Christmas hope everyone is having fun and yeaaa
          That's it I think....
          "Christmas is so much worse as you get older, it's like 'What do you wanna do this year?'
          Financial Security?
          A career?
          A sense of purpose?
          A nap would be nice."
          Yup, that's that, and off I go to finish painting my nails and challenging the party's music by cranking up my old slow country music as loud as it will go just to piss everyone off so they'll leave then break out the fun shit✌


Heyy, just stumbled across your story and gave it a shot and now I'm hungry as well as curious as to who it was? 
          P. S:- Feel free to promote your book in the PROMOTE chapter of my books!! 


@Saaavn Thanks, I'm working on updating it. Hopefully Chapter 4 will be out later today. tahnk you so much.