
Good day, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hell even good night. I'm feeling the mood rn. I'm back not really back, does that make sense? Anyways, I hope you're all doing okay! :›


Hey it's me, Reese! What's up? Are you guys doing great? Anyways, no beating around the bush, I have an announcement to make. 
          After months of being inactive, this includes me not updating my books, I have concluded to try other type of stories to make. 
          TA-DA! I made a series! Yass, it includes MHA ships such as:
          Series #1: BakuDeku
          Series #2: KiriKami
          Series #3: MomoJirou
          Series #4: TodoSero
          Series #5: HatsuIida
          Series #6: MinaChako
          (Please suggest other ships too)
          Mha-Class 1-A Series, revolves around the life of teenagers coping up despite their difficult situations and problems. Their lives are connected, and they'll finally experience their own journeys towards the future. Let's stay tuned as they attain happiness, tragedies, past traumas and love, maybe even a happy ending.
          So I'm begging myself to not chicken out or discontinue this series because this will be the biggest one I'll do so far.
          That's all, mwa! 


I was trying to reply to your message but I deleted it I'm new to that message board thing!


@-ANGELICQUE- yeah, got hooked right away. Anyways, sorry, I've been inactive due to school works and bl obsession (besides BKDK) so I replied after a few days :›


this message may be offensive
@justabookwormnerd oh God tysm I needed that shit I want people to read things different than other books so I try to make my plot as unique as possible 


@-ANGELICQUE- that's nice, I wish I could do the same. Plus, your writing's just what I needed to read in books, continue striving and never give up ‹33