
Good afternoon everyone!!!!
          	I'm just gonna say to you all "I PURPLE YOU"


@justbtsjoy And I am my purple to you too (◔‿◔) ❤


          	  ^^ cute.... Well bear hugs for you mate^^


A star has five ends…..
          A square has 4 ends….
          A line has to ends…
          But a circle of friendship has no end! 
          Send this to all your friends (including me I am one) if you get five back you are a good friend! If you get 10 back you’re popular. 
          If you get 19 back dang I am Jealous! ❤️


ℎ    (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


            Hey sweets.... First of all don't cry.... 
            Unnie miss you so much dongsaeng... Hope we can talk more and create another memories together.
            Your really a good kid even though I didn't know you that much, I know your a great loving dongsaeng that I ever met here in Wattpad. 
            Also you never ever annoy me dongsaeng...
            Unnie is so sorry if I didn't message you and active these days.... I have a lot of problems in my life right now. I don't know where I start to tell you this but I hope you understand me and just give me time, to be here in Wattpad again.