
Sorry for all of the announcements tonight, but I just realized that I never sent out a notification for "Seven Sinful Swinging Souls" last night, so please check that out too! It might have been "Seven Sinful Swinging Men" but either way it's good.


Bon soir, mes amis!
          Quick update!
          Since I promised to do more poetry, I'll be uploading a quick one tonight, so  please check it out. It's an old one, actually, but I only just remembered it like... a half an hour ago XD
          Also, since my message about the snow white thing has been up for a few days and no one is commenting in either direction, I'm going to take that as "No one really cares." {You'd think I'd be upset by this, but I'm actually kind of happy bc it means I get to do whatever I want for now ;) } Therefore, I'll be reposting part one of the story. Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone who has already read it. Fortunately, rewriting it only took ten minutes, so it should be up in the next few days. I'll be sure to tell you when I do it.
          That's all!
          Vous avez un bon nuit!
          (I just felt like speaking french in this one for some reason)


I really need to learn how to be more of a minimalist, cuz word counts are killing me.
          So, about snow white...
          I've been highly considering rewriting part one of the snow white story, and reposting it. The way I set it up is making things really hard for me. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to make her a dance studio janitor. I mean, what age must a girl be to spend her nights cleaning a dance studio, yet have the level of naivety about the world that Winter does? Because I have no clue. Which is bad.
          Idk. I realize that I should have already finished this story by now, so it might not be fair to you guys if I go back and change it when you've already waited this long, but I really feel it will make it a better story overall and help me to finish it faster.
          Therefore, I have decided to leave it up to you guys! If you say it's fine for me to go back and change it, then I will, but if you guys really want me to just give you the ending and move on to the next thing, then I'll do that. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR INPUT! 
          In the meantime, I'll be adding to the bully story in the hopes that I'll get enough beginning chapters to start publishing it. (I want to start publishing it soon, but I don't want to make the same mistakes again, so it's going to have to wait for now.)
          Seriously, I'd really like to hear your opinions on this, so do reply if you can!
          Until then,
          Have a nice day!


Helllllooooo Ppls! ( short for peoples)
          So, for anyone who reads my shiz, I've got some news, but first, I want to thank anyone who has read or voted on "Looking Beside Me". You have no idea how much it means to me that it's doing so well, and if you haven't checked it out yet, then I highly suggest it because it's genuinely good! 
          Now onto the announcement!!!
          So you remember how I said my old google account died in a hole, and I lost everything? Yeah, that's still a thing. No changing that. HOWEVER! I was fortunate enough to be able to recover all of the pages I lost from the bully story from my sister. FORTUNATELY I had sent the document to her for proofreading before everything collapsed, so HALLELUJAH! 
          I'm so grateful for this because, if I'm being honest here, after that kick to the nuts, I was considering giving up on that project completely. 
          Now all I have to do is write part 3 of the snow white story, right? ...right?
          Yeah, maybe not. 
          But more on that later.
          ~to be continued


Hey guys! Quick announcement! I recently published a short story called "looking beside me" for a wattpad short story contest, and it would be a huge help to me if you guys would check it out! I hope you love it! 
          In other news, snow white part 2? Done! So once I get it proofread and finish up part 3, I'll be publishing it, so look forward to that coming soon!
          I've been on FIRE! with the writing of shiz lately, so as long as I can keep the ball rolling,  there will be these updates and many more in the near future, and hopefully I'll be able to get out a couple more poems since I promised for those as well. 
          Until then! 
          Have a nice day!


i am sorry for ur loss fam. u just need to live another 7 years to make up for the lost work... but like i said, demons might come barging thought the lunch room doors any minute when ur 20 years old. Remember??


@God_of_the_Universe oh sh*t! I have to condense 7 years of work into 1?! I'm screwed!