
Is anyone else getting those spam comments on their stories like everyday about an app it is getting annoying i mute the person but then i get another spam comment on my new story


Don't ever download vizmato i tried saving my midsummer's nights edit with the characters name on them they wouldn't let me save ughh so frustrating plus i have no idea what happened to kine master is it now a new tiktok i am very MAD


Sorry i haven't been published any chapters on Hollywood to small town....cool and the SHEVAMPIRE pack i got sick last Monday and i just started feeling better but I'm still coughing which is so annoying and it's keeping me up at night, sometimes i feel like i can't breath and makes me think I'm having a panic attack attack cause hello chest pain is included when i cough, so please understand that I'm a human and I'm on Christmas break and i got sick i feel uncomfortable and there some days were i can and can't eat once i feel better I'll publish some chapters! Be save and Happy Holidays! Or happy Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate


I'm going to attempt to finish vampire Academy cause I'm just lazy and already want to write my new fanfic at this point also cause i have nothing else to do but just nap which i don't want to because my service ends idk when