
i made a random adventure time fanfic lol


I literally cannot STAND looking at my old work HOW DO YALL ENJOY IT OMG 


@Clxdix0  bc I saw it and I thought, "I swear if they are talking bad bout themselves I'm bout to give them a pep talk about how their writing if frickin amazing. SO please dont look down on yourself. Your old work is what you started on! You have improved! I say that look at your old work as a reminder. "Hey, I made that. I have improved from that to now!" BE PROUD!!!! You're an amazing writer!! Don't look down on yourself! I know you think your writing is terrible but it really isn't! You are amazing for who you are. You are unique and your writing is unique! (I know this is long but don't judge me) Dont forget you have many people who love your work! Now you have to take a step and love your work as well! Sry its so long lmao


@Clxdix0 bc its fun to look at


@Clxdix0 Because your art is just quirky like that •̀ᴗ•̀