
Where can I read Rainstar's revenge? I'm really interested on her past


@Spotberry5516 it's actually not done yet! I'm still in the middle of it, and I'm working on finishing the 6th book in the series (Blood Moon) as well. I'm in college rn so who knows when it will be out, but I hope the 6th book will be out soon and then Rainstar's revenge will follow after that :)


When is the 6th book coming out?!! You’re such a talented writer I’ve been hyping up your books on other fab websites! 


@SupernaturalFreak140 thank you!! So glad you like it! :)


No worries I totally get it!! So excited for it! 


@SupernaturalFreak140 I haven't been writing in it for a while (I'm in college now so I'm always busy! Ugh) but I'm about halfway through the 6th one I would say, so I'm planning on working on it Thanksgiving break a little and then I'm hoping to finish it this Christmas break (I get like a month and a half off so hopefully I can work on it and finish it then). Im so glad you like them!! And sorry the 6th book is taking me forever 