
yk that time when your literally reading the best most amazing book and you try to go to the next chapter but then you realize it was the last one so know you have to wait for the next one to be published, yeah that just happened to me twice, back to back…


yk that time when your literally reading the best most amazing book and you try to go to the next chapter but then you realize it was the last one so know you have to wait for the next one to be published, yeah that just happened to me twice, back to back…


“happy christmas harry”
          “happy christmas ron”


“what are you wearing?”
            “oh mum made it…looks like youve got one to”
            “ive got presents?”


guess whos birthday it is tomorrow!!!!! 


@randombeingXXX ok I will and happy bday


@abnormalhufflepuff thank you tell ur bsf i wish them a happy birthday


@randombeingXXX happy early bday
            It's also me bsf bday so happy Bday to you both


pov: your ranting to your friend about your problems and your mental health and ask for advice but all they care about is this girl that literally replaced you bc apparently you ‘havent texted your bsf in a while’ even you text them like everybody but they leave you on read, and now your not even an important person in their life and they cant even talk to you about certain things anymore and now it just makes you even more sad and all this happened in the spam of 3 weeks…
          just me?