
Separate idea but connected to the Beastars I have been talking about for almost quite a while 
          I was thinking if Jack should also get bullied by someone or he starts to have a good day at first but then he gets picked on by either the two bullies who picked on Shelia or Juno or if it should be Riz, Melon, maybe not Pina but he does act a little snooty towards him, or if it’s someone else entirely like a character that is not in the Beastars manga. 
          He gets punched in the face so hard that he’s knocked out in the place where Riz beat up Legoshi and then he gets beaten up all the time by someone who clearly doesn’t like him. And once they find him at the place with the windmill, they are shocked, angry, and crying that someone would beat up poor Jack 
          Els starts crying, 701 is screaming in horror, Bill is yelling in rage, pina is shocked, Riz looks unamused or unaffected, Dom and Aoba try calling for help! Shelia, Juno, Ellen, some other drama club members like Tao and Kai start sobbing and yell in anguish like “Oh God please!!! Please help Jack, he is everything to us and we love him so much!!!” Legoshi Is howling and crying whilst yelling “JAAAACCCCCKKkKk NOoooooooo!!!!” Haru, Louis, Azuki try rubbing his face with medical ointment
          Help soon arrives and two days later they are so relieved they start crying in tears of joy and hugging him. Some mentioned that they were so worried and they would make whoever hit him pay for what they did. 
          Either that or Jack suffers an injury from working on the stage. They do sound good together 
          Which one do you prefer? I prefer the Jack getting beaten up by someone!!! 


@Techn0master I meant backstory.


@Techn0master Okay, Jack getting beat up would make a great introduction to a backdoor that I'll introduce later in the story.


New question: Do you post songs on your stories and if you do, I have one request. I may have mentioned tame impala and Michael Jackson along with dire straits walk of life but is there a possibility you could add Maroon 5 too.
          I’m thinking of a big scene: Meteor Festival or some event at school. Jack is feeling nervous about performance for the first time and everyone is in 1980s dancing uniforms. Juno, Kai, and Legoshi notice Jack getting all nervous so they try to make him less nervous about the play but then the club president says they have 5 mins before dancing. Fenir comes at the last second and gives him emotional support( another thing I also mentioned about him dancing on his first day at the drama club) and then once it’s his time to perform: 
          He gives the guy a song suggestion to play for the event which he’s a leopard who is your average surfer dude and he says right on man! So the lights go dark and everyone is so nervous and suspenseful but then Jack pops up and starts dancing to Maps by Maroon 5 or Billie Jean by Michael Jackson ( a big fan of both singers) and then everyone is so amazed and they begin cheering
          Everyone dances like as if you would see it in a music video or something else and once it’s all done the whole drama club goes all cuckoo for Jack like how fan girls would be for Korean pop stars. 
          PS: New ideas for the performance: The Fox by Ylvis, Gangnam Style by PSY, or maybe Candyland by Tobu, Spectre by Alan Walker works too. 


@Techn0master Okay, those are great ideas. I'll see what I can do.


So about that Beastars fanfic. There was another idea I posted about. Not sure if you read it but do you remember in the anime when Kibi had his arm ripped off. I was thinking of doing an alternative version where Jack is able to sew his arm back on after Fenir gave Jack some encouragement like in the cafeteria scene and Kibi is sent to the hospital and for Tao, he gets empathy and compassion to calm him down by Jack to which Tao tells him that he owes him his life and that he would fight for him till the end to which they hug it out.
          P.S Legoshi and the other drama club members start seeing Jack as some what of a Jesus figure that they love him so much but Legoshi is so shocked at the skills Jack had now that he hugs him, whimpers in happiness, and says that Jack is the most talented person he could ever have as a friend. 


@Techn0master Yes, I saw the scene. And, there will be moments where I write the scenes to be different than the anime.


Like how I mentioned the ripping off kibis arm except now that Jack is in the drama club and he has Fenir to help him would it be cool for Jack to do sewing or surgical procedures to help his fellow students 


And just a quick question: In your story would you write your alternative versions of scenes from the anime but different 


Here is a suggestion for your story on Jack and the Beastars Alternative story. Could you do Louis telling the entire drama club or the whole school his backstory and possibly making an emotional scene where Melon or another bad guy tried to kill Jack but Louis, Legoshi, or maybe another big character sacrifices themselves to save his life.
          Just a thought 


As for Tao still whimpering and acting all guilty needing comfort, Jack walks up to him and gives him some inspirational encouragement to help calm him down and Tao thanks him for that and says: “Jack, ever since I met you, you have been a very good friend to me and everyone else, I promise to fight by your side till the end!!!!” 


@Techn0master That seems like a good idea. I'll see what I can do with that.