
Ok so I've decided to make an alternate account so I can better filter the content that comes up on wattpad for me, this account is abt 3 years old and I've lost intrest in a lot of books/fandom that keep popping up in my notifs. I'll only use this account for updating my stories and such. If you actually need to talk to me I'll post my personal acc user in a bit^^


@kantassecondaccount This is my new personal account!


Ok so I've decided to make an alternate account so I can better filter the content that comes up on wattpad for me, this account is abt 3 years old and I've lost intrest in a lot of books/fandom that keep popping up in my notifs. I'll only use this account for updating my stories and such. If you actually need to talk to me I'll post my personal acc user in a bit^^


@kantassecondaccount This is my new personal account!


For anyone wondering I unpublished my billdip book so I could edit all the current chapters before releasing new ones since I realize now me editing only certain chapters would make the story not flow correctly. Don't worry it'll be back up soon, I just want you guys to have a good read so I'll be working on fixing chapters and publishing them individually^^


Not sure if any of you guys watch miraculous but I just got caught up and I'm really trying to start up a good rp lol


Ahhhhhh I watch Miraculous. Not really in the fandom though. I came here from your Gravity Falls billdip fanfiction. It's sooooo good to be honest. No way you wrote that when you were 12!


well howdy do there bud been a while, huh?


@strange-asthetics I'm s o r r y 
            I've been distracted by amino lol


            it’s been 40 years a l e x


@strange-asthetics well howdy do to you too lol, it has been quite a while