
Hi everyone, how are we all doing? Just checking up on you all, hope you’re all doing good. It’s been five months since I announced my leave and honestly, I’m living my best life. Mostly by travelling, reading and writing in my free time lol. I signed in a couple of days ago and noticed that Wattpad are getting rid of the direct message feature and not gonna lie, I’m kind of relieved. Maybe it’ll stop readers sending me nasty messages, I’ve had a fair few of those over the years. Anyways, like I said, hope you’re all well. PS, I also saw Niall live at the start of the year and he was amazing! He’s incredible and certainly made up for the last six years of waiting patiently to see him. Sending you all the love. Still don’t feel the need to write on here anymore but feel free to drop me a message whenever you’d like :) 


Thank you! Oh, I hope you have the best time with Niall! Remember to take lots of pics and vids :D Traveling it’s the best, I think it’s my therapy lol. In regards to writing platforms, I’m not sure if you’ve tried AO3? If you have tried that, I’m sorry, I don’t have any other recs. I did try that for a bit for a few years but mainly just stuck to reading. I stick to Google Docs now though lol. 


@karmasucks I'm so glad your doing better! I'm seeing Niall this July and I'm literally soo excited! I'm also traveling quite a bit this year, and I hope your trips have been enjoyable! I was also wondering if u reccomend any other writing platforms? Not necessarily for posting books, but just any book writing platforms besides Google docs. I love Google docs, but I've been looking for other apps and platforms specifically designed for authors and writers.


Hi everyone, how are we all doing? Just checking up on you all, hope you’re all doing good. It’s been five months since I announced my leave and honestly, I’m living my best life. Mostly by travelling, reading and writing in my free time lol. I signed in a couple of days ago and noticed that Wattpad are getting rid of the direct message feature and not gonna lie, I’m kind of relieved. Maybe it’ll stop readers sending me nasty messages, I’ve had a fair few of those over the years. Anyways, like I said, hope you’re all well. PS, I also saw Niall live at the start of the year and he was amazing! He’s incredible and certainly made up for the last six years of waiting patiently to see him. Sending you all the love. Still don’t feel the need to write on here anymore but feel free to drop me a message whenever you’d like :) 


Thank you! Oh, I hope you have the best time with Niall! Remember to take lots of pics and vids :D Traveling it’s the best, I think it’s my therapy lol. In regards to writing platforms, I’m not sure if you’ve tried AO3? If you have tried that, I’m sorry, I don’t have any other recs. I did try that for a bit for a few years but mainly just stuck to reading. I stick to Google Docs now though lol. 


@karmasucks I'm so glad your doing better! I'm seeing Niall this July and I'm literally soo excited! I'm also traveling quite a bit this year, and I hope your trips have been enjoyable! I was also wondering if u reccomend any other writing platforms? Not necessarily for posting books, but just any book writing platforms besides Google docs. I love Google docs, but I've been looking for other apps and platforms specifically designed for authors and writers.


Hi, guys. So this is something that I have been wanting to say for a while now and its that I’m going to stop writing on here for good and for many reasons. The first reason being is that I simply have no motivation or inspiration to write on here now. Let’s face it, my prime writing era was when 1D were still around and shipping them was a big thing. I feel like majority of their fan base (and myself) have moved on from that. Another reason is that I’d like to start writing on my own and for myself. I have given 10-15 years of my life on this site and I think that it some well earned time for me. My confidence in writing has dipped over the last year or so. I feel like my writing is simple, basic and repetitive and I’d like to work on that. I’ve been into reading a lot lately so I’m hoping that will help. I also have a lot of personal things going on in my life right now and since Covid, I feel like I’m playing catch up. I’m sure some of you can relate. I have also came across a few toxic people over the last few years. Someone has came as far as name calling for a small minor error on my fic. I know that’s not a reason to stop writing but it’s a contributing factor. That being said, I am leaving my profile up on here and I will still be active as I know how much you guys like to come back and read my fics, no matter how badly written they are. On that note, it’s been a fun ride guys. I will continue to support Harry and Niall in the sidelines and I wish you all the best. I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year when it comes.


@karmasucks your books were literally my teenhood ♡♡ good luck with your writing, you're gonna do amazing stuff I just know it


@karmasucks Will miss you, goodluck for the future 


@karmasucks all the very best fir the future  ❤️


I don’t know why or how but Strictly Professional is getting a whole lotta love recently and I’m so here for it! Thank you so much for the support, it’s truly appreciated. 


@ karmasucks  It's simple, the story is perfect ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.