
Am I crying while listening to 'Hate to admit' and 'wish you back' on repeat, while eating a whole ass tub of ice cream? 
          	YESS! istg my emotions are all over the place nowadays. I was crying in the morning and kinda felt depressed all day long even the meds aren't working anymore


@kate_kitty4011 oh nooo...im here if you want to speak about it..?xx


Hey! You know how the minsungers debated whether Limbo and Volcano were related to each other? Well I can't say it's true in real life but if you'd want to read it in a fictional plot then I'm writing a fan fiction based on this idea if you'd be interested to read! 
          I could use some feedback. (:


Hi if you were a reader of an account called @cakeygumball please know their account number has been banned on Wattpad however they are on Ao3 under the same user, Cakey has asked me to inform people who have read their books and please do the same ! 


@chessxheartx i hope they can recover their account here too..


There account was banned out of no where that’s all I mostly know and Cakey is trying to get it back here’s the link to their Ao3 it has all of their story’s except for the stars one https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cakeygumball/pseuds/Cakeygumball


@chessxheartx   what why?
            can you pls proide the link to their Ao3? cuz i barely use it and don't know about it's features


sorry for posting here but please read my latest book and tell me in the comments if you relate please


@SKZSTAN_Kailee  hey! no need to be sorry
            lemme just check it;)


Hi! :))))) I have a song recommendation! Strawberry cake by xdinary heroes , lockdown by xdinary heroes, case 143 by stray kids , 3racha,can't stop , taste by stray kids !


@kate_kitty4011 oki ,tell me if u like them!x


@StrayAroCalm  Hey thanks for your recommendations!
            brb gonna listen to all the songs
            i have already listened to the skz ones, so im gonna go and explore xdinary heroes


Am I crying while listening to 'Hate to admit' and 'wish you back' on repeat, while eating a whole ass tub of ice cream? 
          YESS! istg my emotions are all over the place nowadays. I was crying in the morning and kinda felt depressed all day long even the meds aren't working anymore


@kate_kitty4011 oh nooo...im here if you want to speak about it..?xx


this message may be offensive
So I have exams going on right now and my creative juices just decided to overflow! like I have at-least like 20 new prompts and stories in my draft and I just had a wonderful idea AGAIN, but I just can't take out time to write it all out cuz I HAVE TO FUCKING STUDY!  
          and honestly it shucks cuz once my exams are over im pretty sure im gonna have a major writer's block(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
          Yeah so what's the conclusion kids!!??
          EXAMS SUCK!