
I'm sorry but you need to use grammar and punctuation, when reading your book, bad boy roommate  no way in hell, I commented a bunch of times because it bothered me that much. I can understand when it happens a few times but not every three words. If you could please fix your mistakes or say unedited that would be understood but this is just sloppy work that needs help. Please read and understand where I am coming from.


@tsdeshaw no problem and thank you for the straight advice i thank you again


Okay thank you overall it is an amazing book keep up the good work!


@tsdeshaw oh i am so sorry i wrote this when i was very young and am taking the time to rewrite the story. They summary is already posted. I am just waiting for a bit before i start at it again.


Can you make me a book converted for my book I'm currently writing. Its not published yet because I don't like the cover. I would appreciate it if you could come up with something plz. Thank you. PS..I would tell you the name but its not published and I don't have copyrights yet so I dont want anyone to steal the name.


@TheWorldOnTop What kinda book is it. or should i just make a cover. Do you want a picture on it. What genre is it?


@TheWorldOnTop Yeah I could figure something out