
New update soon ;)


YASSS can't wait 


Hey, I finished Finding you just now and I'm amazed. It's been some time since I read a Werwolf story with so well written and interesting characters. I love that they are actually communicating in a healthy way with each other. It's super rare that I read stories like that. And your world building is incredible! It's super interesting to learn about the background of the Werwolf species without the the commonly used tropes of the moon goddess.
          I would really much like to read a second part of this book! I hope you keep on writing and improving 


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Hey!!!! Absolutely love your book! Just wondering, do you have a update schedule? Just wanna know so I can look forward to reading your fucking amazing book!!❤❤❤


@kayjayqueen thank you so much!!! I understand, I hope you have an awesome vacation!❤


I don’t have a normal update schedule but I try to update once a week. I’m currently on vacation but when I get back I’ll have an update ready :)


Hi, I would really love it if you could update Its Indescribable soon, because it has been quite a while, and its such a good story, I can't wait to hear what happenes.
          I know summer exams and school are hard, but the story is amazing, please, if you can, update.