
Dear teachers,
          	Please stop giving us so much homework. I'm practically drowning in algebra and essays every night. I want time to write and read on my own and not have to catch up on my American History textbook during the class before it. Please stop making me have to separate myself from everyone else and stop learning from society just so I can learn from a dumb textbook. High school teens have the highest rate of depression and anxiety from school. The failure that comes from not being able to get something done because you had to prioritize and you've gone nights without sleep. Staying up until the early hours just to finish an assignment. An assignment that after this day it's gonna become meaningless. It'll sit in your backpack for days on end. You'll forget and so will your teachers. It won't mean anything. It'll just be something that wasted part of your life. Something meaningless. 
          	An Overwhelmed Student 


Dear teachers,
          Please stop giving us so much homework. I'm practically drowning in algebra and essays every night. I want time to write and read on my own and not have to catch up on my American History textbook during the class before it. Please stop making me have to separate myself from everyone else and stop learning from society just so I can learn from a dumb textbook. High school teens have the highest rate of depression and anxiety from school. The failure that comes from not being able to get something done because you had to prioritize and you've gone nights without sleep. Staying up until the early hours just to finish an assignment. An assignment that after this day it's gonna become meaningless. It'll sit in your backpack for days on end. You'll forget and so will your teachers. It won't mean anything. It'll just be something that wasted part of your life. Something meaningless. 
          An Overwhelmed Student