
@unofficialfangirl oh hi (American Accent Activated)


I'm going to be doing a story on Wattpad interviewing different Wattpadians, so if you're interested just message me :)


Alright thanks. :)


Great! I'm not starting yet, but I'll fix up some questions and you can answer them soon!


Sounds interesting, I'm up for it.


@emberkitty777 you're the stupid one here not me. I never said her parents didn't CARE I said they weren't JOKING there's a difference. I personally feel that the story wasn't poorly written because I could RELATE TO IT! Also please don't call me a retard. I'm trying to be nice and understand what you're trying to say even tough you keep contradicting yourself. Also small things DO ADD UP! If they didn't the girl obviously wouldn't have become anorexic. By the way I'm also not dense and lazy. Keep saying shit like this about me and I'll block you. :) 


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And, if they weren't joking, then it isn't SMALL THINGS ADD UP, OKAY BITCH?! If they are genuinely insulting her, then it's just verbal child abuse. And obviously the point is small comments add up--which I fucking support, except I wrote the comments that were written were too insignificant it even be considered a factor, and I suggested it be a little stronger, because its not as realistic as of now. Do I need to say this again, or are you too dense or lazy to skip my every sentence? Because this is the seventh time I've said this.


Obviously you are deluded. It clearly stated that the mom was happily playing and playfully poked her belly. And you know what? Not every parent is that shitty. And obviously those parent who spent tons of money to get her into the hospital cared about her. You are NOT making n effort, and I have clearly stated I enjoy her idea--which is what you so solidly love--but the way it is WRITTEN is poorly done! That's it, got it you retard?!


@emberkitty777 The parents weren't joking, that was the whole fucking POINT of the story. There was nothing playful or teasing about it. She was trying to show what it's like when the parents AREN'T JOKING! And I know A LOT of parents that genuinely insult their kids so don't give me that line of shit. And your points aren't truthful. And I am trying to make an effort to see what you mean but you're so fucking bull headed you think your way is the only right way and it's NOT! 


@MythicalMind well, switch with me. It's very arrogant of you to think I am the one not understanding she you believe my points are incorrect and make no effort to see what I mean. What's "honestly getting annoying" is that my points are entirely true, yet everyone is hating on it and accusing me of things like "You don't need to dislike it so much" or so and so, when I have clearly state some ral criticism and no one accepts it, tho it is right, and simply pushes it as some hater-while not making any effort to understand whatsoever, is that not hypocritical?