
Y’all still are reading my story’s that I haven’t updated in like 2 years? I just came back to Wattpad with so many notifications ahhhh.


Hi everyone!! I am officially on summer break, and I should be able to get back into writing hopefully soon!!!
          I am sk sorry for being inactive. It has been a crazy year and I have been living in the moment as much as I can. Cherish the little things in your life. I am learning that more and more day by day, and I want to say that tonight has been one of the most calming and best nights of my life. (I mean, I have my beyond incredible boyfriend to thank for that as well). Enjoying the little things everyday will lead to a more happier and fuller life. 
          I just thought I would let you all know that I am planning on hopefully getting back into writing even if it is only every once in a while. Thanks for sticking with me!!


I know some of you have been waiting for an update, so I'm sorry to just now be updating, it has been a long weekend.
          Yes, we went to the movies yesterday and two other people were there. There is more to it, but I don't want to share too much to expose anything too great that could be small. I will say that we both enjoyed the movie and were joking around. 
          The final thing I will say is that he has been more considerate and sweet than ever. I might go hang out with him in person with some of our friends from the musical we just did at a pool party but if not, we have already made plans to video call tomorrow night.
          And here is what I'll leave you with. I will not be posting too much about this topic unless anyone truly wants to know about the hectic life I live. Thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement. I am forever thankful for the kindness that everyone of you treats me with.
          And yes, we are not currently dating, but I wouldn't doubt it being something that may come in the future. I am growing and learning as well as he and it takes time to be the braver person sometimes. It will happen if/when it happens. It may be tomorrow, it may be over text tonight while I'm asleep, it may be in person, it may be over video call, but I don't know. If/when I do, I may post an update. But I don't want to expose too much of his privacy on here. 
           I will leave you with some of the messages I received while I was asleep last night (he knew I was asleep as well, he had sent previous messages an hour or so before these)
          "Alright now is when I'm heading to bed"
          (I got an update here telling me where he was and a bit of his plans for that day as it was midnight)
          "Talk to you probably later tomorrow" (I think he forgot it was past midnight at this point. And he kept that promise, he was the one who greeted me with a good morning message when I woke up)
          "And I can't wait to see you again"


Hey everyone!! I know that I made a post the other day and have not really followed up, but here is my informal update!!
          First of all, thank you for your words of encouragement and kindness. I will say that no matter what comes out of this, I have learned a lot about being my true self from all of you as well as him. 
          He has been saying extremely sweet things and has really brought my confidence up. Not only that, but he stayed up with me till 1 am on a school night on a video call. I really don't know how to react, but I have cried thinking I am truly not worthy of a person like him. 
          To everyone wondering, I saw him last night and will see him next on the 27th. Everyone I know, ESPECIALLY my family (shockingly and especially my mother as well) are extremely supportive and want me to just tell him how I feel. My mom and my 19 year old cousin both told me I need to "rip off the bandaid" already. I, however, am beyond terrified of rejection. If anything happens, it will most likely happen over text after next Sunday when we hang out. You will all get the next update then if I have one.
          Not too much else has been going on. We text everyday and send morning and night texts as well as video call when we can. He has laughed, cried, and expressed comfort with/for me and I feel like we have known each other for forever. 
          For those who are all just like my mother, saying, "TELL HIM ALREADY", I will say that I slowly am putting my self out there, and I guess I'll see how/where this goes. Thank you for supporting me and sorry for ranting about this. I have nobody else to really rant to and this is the one app I do not have him on. 
          Sending love. 


About my last post, I will see him next, in person, on March 27th. We sadly don't go to the same school, but he is litteraly the sweetest person I have ever met. He took three minutes to message me asking if I was comfortable with hugs. I litteraly almost cried. We are going to see a movie (my one friend is going as well with potentially a few more people. There is also talk about having pizza am hanging out at my house afterwords as well-)
          Some of my friends think that we both secretly like each other but I have such a fear of confrontation, and I don't want to be rejected. Does anyone have any advice on how to even talk to this person. I suck at this stuff, haha. 
          So you know what I am talking about/ dealing with, here is tonight's good night message from him:
          "Goodnight Mackenzie ( ◜‿◝ )♡"


@nadiasandas3 that's what I am trying. I have caught him staring at me as well, and I just don't want to make it awkward. Whatever it is that we are, I know we are at least really close friends, and I am trying to enjoy our time without overthinking. I am an overthinker at heart though 


@cuwakw8658 I KNOW!! I really like him too, which is rare for my standards, and I don't want to make it awkward. 


GIRL I’M PRETTY SURE HE LIKES YOU??? THAT SOUNDS PRETTY LEGIT??? But! Even if it’s not, I want you to enjoy yourself anyway when you meet! I know you will, you clearly like him. So when you meet him, just have fun and enjoy your time together, and try not to overthink all the motives and technicalities and just enjoy spending time together :)


How do you know if you're truly in the talking phase? Does sweet goodnight texts every night with hearts next to them count? I CAN'T READ THE SIGNALS SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!






I'm back at school and I am gonna have so much work to do since I missed Friday- Help me- 
          Of course it is the week that I have something going on everyday as well-
          I also have a voice lesson during my seminar later and I completely wasted my study hall reading-
          Soooooooooo I am done for, and I have to go driving again later-


I'm currently chilling at home with some hot cocoa and my bunny, CoCo, because I am not feeling so hot after my booster shot yesterday. While it is leading to some bad side effects, I am glad I got mine.
          Go get vaxed and boosted so we can stay safe!! 


There are 100 of you now- what-
          I started this account from stumbling across this platform and now there are 100 of you that somehow someway stumbled across me- 
          I was shocked when I hit 20 followers let alone this.
          All I can say is thank you. 
          Thank you for coming along this journey with me, for supporting me, for cheering me on, boosting my confidence, reading my chaotic stories, bringing smiles to my face, giving me some of the best friendships, and for everything in between.
          Just thank you.
          I am legitimately at a loss for words but your love means everything.