
hi guys i downloaded this app again and i’ve been rereading dms and WHY did anyone let me post that!!?? flaming hot garbage i can’t trust any of y’all it’s so bad wow i’m actually like .... my skin is crawling 


hey guys! i'm back and gonna get into writing again! i've switched into a creative writing class at school bc drama gave me far more anxiety than i wanted and now i'm rly inspired. i have 3 books lined up to start and publish: "call it cliché", which is basically a mix of the most cliche teen fiction concepts tied into one story, "how to be an optimist", which is a warming story that seems happy but actually has a lot of underlying issues addressed (still debating that one), and "roommates", that's a phan au and will be a novel format, not a text format like dms. 
          anyways i'll hopefully have the first chapters up soon and will be ATTEMPTING to stick to a schedule for uploading, but i can't promise anything. more news to come and dm any questions u have or suggestions!