
Greetings, dear reader. Firstly, I extend my apologies for entering your space without prior permission. Secondly, I kindly request you to peruse my work and share your thoughts on whether you find it enjoyable or not. The narrative revolves around an arranged marriage that isn't entirely conventional. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. As a new writer, your support is crucial for my improvement and motivation to produce more content. I believe you won't regret taking the time to read it. Thank you.
          A small part of my story
          I observed her nervously chewing her lower lip-a new detail I discovered about her today. It seemed to be a habit she had when feeling uneasy.
          A smile automatically formed on my lips as I noticed her reaction. I had no intention of touching her in a way that went beyond our boundaries before getting married. I deemed it important to respect the sanctity of our relationship.
          Unless she expressed a desire for physical contact, I wouldn't impose anything on her. I believed in allowing our relationship to develop at a slow pace, nurturing an unbreakable bond between us.


Accept my apologies, for coming announced.
          I have come here to share my work with you. A story filled with twisted circumstances which makes the union of two hopeless humans. A story convincing you that love is a blazing element of our life.
          Two person. One story. Two dark past, dealing with their own set of traumas yet standing with each other.


Heyaa, I hope you are doing well.
          If you love to read a cute romance with a tinge of banters and mischief please do give a try to my book "Falling for her". The book is completed and I hope it won't disappoint you plus it will be a great help if you can give your genuine reviews and suggestions to improve my writing. Appreciative and constructive comments are always accepted. Even feel free to let me know if something goes overboard in the story.  
          Sorry for distributing you but still if you get time do give it a shot.  If you like it please check out my other story as well.


hey ♥️
           hope you are doing well
          I hope l didn't disturb you and sorry for spamming your message board.
          if you are accepting reading request,
          i would like to let you know that I am writing a story enchanting beauty ❣️
          if time permits please do read it .hope you'll like it  ♥️
          also do vote and feel free to leave comments.
          thanku for your time and consideration ♥️



Hey buddy!
          I hope you are doing well.
          Apologies for sliding into your profile, but please do check out my first story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          This story is more on a realistic side, which hopefully you will connect to!


@Ruhani_Gupta Thankyou! Your initiation to read the story means a lot⭐


@Ruhani_Gupta Heyy, thanks for reaching out! I tried two-three chapters and it was refreshing ❤ 
            I'm a silent reader but will definitely vote each chapter as I'll begin reading...