
Can I be that really annoying person who chants "UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE"


I LOVE Rogue's channel XD especially the vine compilation... I've watched that like eighty million times


XD instead of doing something productive like writing or schoolwork, I have been binging Death Note, Rogue's entire channel (again), and SomethingElseYT's channel for about the fifth time. I have a mess of ideas... it's just... I don't want to put in the effort of typing. Right now I don't even have the willpower to get myself out of my blanket pile and charge my computer. Help me I have fallen down the pit of YouTube


Since you have a tiny crush on one of the artists ... I think you might like this guy's YouTube channel... it's CHIVES916 and he records Tristam's livestreams and Instagram videos. I found it the other day and might've flopped around the house :)


I just checked it out and had a seizure on the bed. ITS BEAUTIFUL MY GOODNESS