

I am a princess. I lied - I'm not a queen. I'm sorry, guys. Please forgive me and let me welcome you to the kingdom which I will inherit - it's called Loggedindom. Please come and visit!!!!!


@black-talia-rose just cause I don't look at ny message board... (๑´• ₃ •̀๑)


OK so that was @black-talia-rose because I left wattpad open on her computer. But I am back! So yay more writing (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ 


Hey guys, have ever felt like you're watching your life fall to pieces around you? If you have, you'll know how I'm feeling. if not, I hope you never do. So I'm going to be taking a bit of a break to sort out the measly life I have left. Don't worry, I'll still be on Wattpad and I'll still do my part for @KnB-Magazine and I'll be back as soon as I feel like my personal life is back together.